Lessons Learned: Pepsi’s Kendall Jenner Ad Campaign Case Study

Let’s dive into a case study that takes us back to 2017 when Pepsi launched its highly controversial “Kendall Jenner Ad” campaign. This marketing effort aimed to address social issues and promote unity but ended up facing immense backlash and criticism. Today, we’ll examine what went wrong and explore valuable lessons we can learn from this misstep.

The Backstory

Picture this: Kendall Jenner, a can of Pepsi, and a protest. The ad showcased Jenner offering a Pepsi to a police officer, seemingly resolving tensions and promoting unity. However, the campaign quickly faced a barrage of criticism for trivializing important social movements like Black Lives Matter.

The video in question (via Carlos on Youtube)

Lesson 1: Thorough Research and Sensitivity

Pepsi’s first misstep was a lack of thorough research and sensitivity. To address sensitive social issues, it’s crucial to invest time in understanding their historical and cultural contexts. Engaging with experts, activists, and communities affected by the issues would have provided valuable insights and helped avoid oversimplification and trivialization.

Lesson 2: Diverse and Inclusive Creative Team

The campaign would have benefited from a more diverse and inclusive creative team. A wider range of perspectives and experiences would have helped identify potential pitfalls and sensitivities. By embracing diversity, Pepsi could have avoided the accusation of cultural appropriation and ensured a more authentic approach.

Lesson 3: Focus on Authenticity and Purpose

Instead of relying on a celebrity figure, Pepsi could have amplified the authentic voices and stories of those directly affected by social issues. By featuring real activists and community leaders, the campaign would have felt more genuine and connected with audiences on a deeper level.

Lesson 4: Collaboration and Partnerships

Pepsi missed an opportunity to collaborate with established social justice organizations or partner with grassroots initiatives. By aligning with respected organizations and amplifying their efforts, Pepsi could have shown a genuine commitment to the cause and avoided accusations of exploiting serious issues for commercial gain.

Lesson 5: Listening and Responding Swiftly

When the backlash hit, Pepsi’s response was initially slow and inadequate. However, a better approach would have been to listen actively, acknowledge the concerns, and take immediate corrective actions. By demonstrating humility and a willingness to learn, Pepsi could have mitigated some of the negative impact.


The Pepsi Kendall Jenner Ad campaign serves as a valuable case study on the importance of thorough research, inclusivity, authenticity, collaboration, and responsive listening in marketing. By avoiding oversimplification, embracing diversity, amplifying authentic voices, partnering with respected organizations, and swiftly responding to feedback, brands can navigate sensitive social issues successfully.

Remember, marketing campaigns that touch on social matters should be approached with respect, understanding, and a genuine commitment to the cause. By learning from missteps like this, we can create marketing initiatives that not only engage audiences but also contribute positively to society. So, let’s keep these lessons in mind as we embark on our marketing journeys, striving to make a real impact and create meaningful connections with our audience.

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